Leadership Ministries
Leadership Ministry is about loving others so that they can flourish. It’s not just for the benefit of those we serve, but also because God loves them and wants to see His purposes accomplished through their lives.
Serving others is a vital part of being a follower of Christ. It’s not about us, it never has been and never will be. When we put someone else before ourselves in God’s eyes they become the most important person on earth to us because through serving them He accomplishes His purposes for their lives.
Life Ministries
Life Ministry is about giving oneself and their time, talents, or resources in order to bless other people. A great thing about our community is that we are for everyone. We serve the youth, singles, families, couples, and more. We even have ministries that focus on Health and Education.
Our mission is to empower and strengthen our youth and families by providing services and support that will enhance their spiritual and personal growth which encompasses social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
Outreach Ministries
We are called to be fishers of men. That means that we are looking beyond ourselves and connecting with people around us so they can know God’s love through their lives!
We should always remember that when God called on your life to share His love with others; this same passion can be seen in theirs as well. Our outreach extends from Prison Ministry to Soup Kitchens. We’re here for our community.